10种标志性的贝博体彩app美食 & 每个游客都必须尝试的饮料|贝博体彩app旅游-贝博体彩

10种标志性的贝博体彩app美食 & 每个游客都必须尝试的饮料

从贝博体彩app的酸面包到Mission的墨西哥卷饼, the City by the Bay offers a bevy of famous eats that you can't experience anywhere else.

As the song goes, "If you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair." We're going to amend that statement to say that you should also be sure to bring some stretchy pants. That's because San Francisco is a culinary mecca on par with some of the greatest cities in the world. 从贝博体彩app酸面包到原汁原味 任务玉米煎饼, the City by the Bay offers a bevy of famous eats that you can't experience anywhere else. 八吃得不够? 看看我们的名单 按街区划分的标志性食物.


讽刺的是,爱尔兰咖啡并没有在翡翠岛上普及开来. 它在贝博体彩app被商业化,在那里 布埃纳维斯塔咖啡馆 co-owner Jack Koeppler challenged international travel writer Stanton Delaplane to help him re-create a highly touted "Irish Coffee" served at an airport in Ireland. 两人进行了实验, 最终制作出热咖啡的完美组合, 爱尔兰威士忌和鲜奶油. Nowadays, the 布埃纳维斯塔咖啡馆 on Hyde Street reportedly serves up to 2,000 Irish coffees a day!



No trip to San Francisco is complete without a bread bowl full of chowder from the 石香肠 工厂. The Original San Francisco Sourdough (as 石香肠 calls itself) is the longest continually operating business in the city, 自1849年伊西多尔·布丹完善配方以来,他一直在烤面包. 旗舰工厂 渔人码头 serves not only bread bowls but also animal-shaped loaves for the little ones.



mission风格的墨西哥卷饼起源于贝博体彩app 任务的区这是一个以中美洲文化为主的社区. 以其巨大的比例而闻名, Mission卷饼包括额外的米饭和其他好吃的东西, 比如酸奶油, 鳄梨酱和莎莎酱. 这座城市有数百家墨西哥快餐店供应贝博体彩app风格的墨西哥卷饼. 试一试 El Farolito or 塔克里亚·拉·康伯里 体验真正的贝博体彩app卷饼.

A mission-style burrito, wrapped in foil and cut in half, is shown to the camera.


一家广受欢迎的冰淇淋店, 汉弗里Slocombe 自从2008年开始挖新闻以来,它已经成为了贝博体彩app的标志. Although the menu routes regularly to accommodate fresh seasonal ingredients and off-the-wall flavor combinations, 比如糖帽蘑菇和花生酱咖喱, they're known for innovative staples like their Secret Breakfast Ice Cream, 波旁威士忌和玉米片的独特组合. This boozy treat is a hot seller, so get there early in case it sells out. 


传统上是中国和意大利移民的工作场所, 渔人码头 is now a seafood lover's paradise that reflects its multicultural history. Cioppino, an 意大利-American seafood stew, was invented to use up leftover seafood. 如今,这是一道广受欢迎的菜肴. San Francisco is also famous for Dungeness Crab when it's in season each winter, as well as oysters. 一定要尝尝 雾港鱼屋 当你在渔人码头的时候. Most restaurants still source their fish and crab from the boats of local fishermen. 

Close-up shot of a pile of cooked crabs with lemon slices on a platter.


From takeaway spots like Golden Gate Bakery to sit-down restaurants like Lai Hong Lounge, 繁华的街道 唐人街 哪里是吃点心的好地方. 传统上作为早餐食用, 点心是一种小点心, 蒸饺和素菜. 更好的坐着的地方提供茶和食物, while the waiters make rounds between the crowded tables with pre-cooked selections. 你也可以从菜单上点新鲜的菜.



The martini was actually invented at the Occidental Hotel in San Francisco. 然而, 这家酒店在1906年的地震和随后的火灾中被毁, 所以下一个喝马提尼的好地方是 北海滩这里是意大利美食的堡垒,酒吧气氛热闹. 吃一顿丰盛的晚餐 那不勒斯托尼披萨店 or 原来乔的 然后再喝一杯经典的贝博体彩app鸡尾酒. This northern neighborhood overlooks the birthplace of the Martinez cocktail, 同名城市就在海湾对岸. 最终, 马丁内斯——杜松子酒的混合物, 苦艾酒和马拉斯奇诺甜酒——掉了甜酒, 现代马提尼就这样诞生了.

A server wearing a bowtie presents a tray of cocktails at Absinthe Restaurant in San Francisco.


当我们在讨论 北海滩在美国,你不能错过一次典型的“垮掉的一代”体验. 北海滩 was a hub for the Beat movement in the 1950s, and Caffe Trieste on Vallejo St. was a favorite gathering place of figures like Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg. The coffee shop walls are also lined with photographs of its Hollywood connections. 很多演员都经常光顾的里雅斯特咖啡馆, and Francis Ford Coppola supposedly wrote much of The Godfather script there.

A person's hand holds a coffee drink with the exterior sign and storefront of Caffe Trieste in the background.


19世纪50年代, 意大利 immigrant Domenico “Domingo” 吉尔德利 started his chocolate-making company at the old Pioneer Woolen Mills. 20世纪60年代工厂搬到圣莱安德罗后, 一群贝博体彩app人买下了那处房产, 担心这座标志性的工厂会被拆除, 把它变成了今天的小型零售广场. Visitors can still view the original chocolate manufacturing equipment while sampling gooey hot fudge sundaes and delicious squares of 吉尔德利 牛奶巧克力.

A chocolate sundae sits in the foreground with 吉尔德利 Square in the background.


This well-known San Francisco pop-up has permanently settled in 唐人街, offering an exploration of Cantonese-inspired cuisine that is anything but stuffy or pretentious. 四王' new location allows for the next evolution of its founders' culinary dream, 用陶罐做的饭, 油炸雏鸽, 还有炸胡椒牛排, 所有这些都是由勇敢的科幻厨师弗兰克·何和迈克尔·朗创作的.




From freshly shucked oysters to a deliciously sweet "secret breakfast", 来看看这些贝博体彩app的必食和必饮吧.
